Victory 2011 Conference, the Rainbow Farm





The Victory 2011 Conference was held on 16 to 17 July 2011.

Mat 25:42 “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me”

In the first session on the first day, Linda Barnes shared on her calling and missionary work to South Africa. In the midst of desperate poverty in the black townships where unemployment is rampant, Linda was called to set up a farm and educational school (“Rainbow Farm and Training Centre”) to teach vocational skills such as reading/writing English, Organic farming, carpentry as a future means of employment and survival. Testimonies were shared of the many young children they pulled out from the rubbish dumps, many of whom are orphans with tragic backgrounds.

Linda shared about how she was touched by the staring eyes of a child in the slumps in her first trip, the look of innocence and impending tragedy, and the heart of God of love of all peoples that had motivated her to go from the comforts of the US to the slumps of Johannesburg. Amongst the stories told were young Christian women who were raped, children who stole just to get food, and young kids rummaging through the rubbish dumps when it was time for “dinner”. These were Christian Children for whom God loved and died for. And God sent their angel in Linda Barnes and Carolyn to be with them.They may not have much themselves but gave it all.

Trust in the Lord and Do Good. Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself and He will give you the desires of your heart. Ps 37:3-4

The ministry was started with a vision to cultivate the land, to teach needy orphans to be self-sufficient to do farming, in a nation of extreme poverty.God’s promises in the bible is sure and firm for these least of us – the young Christian orphans, to cultivate the land, and be faithful, and as we put God first, to give them the desires of their heart for a new life, a caring family, and a better hope and future. God’s plans are good, and sure and His mercies and love reaches to the very least of His children, even to the slumps of Johannesburg.

The farm is called “Rainbow House” which is a testimony of God’s faithfulness to its people, the Christian orphan children in the dumps of Johannesburg.  We are reminded of the sign given to Moses as he arose from the Ark, the rainbow sign of the Grace of God, and in the promise kept to honour the faithfulness Moses after the many years of enduring the teasing by many for building the ark in a dry land away from the sea. Likewise, Linda and Carolyn would have received many negative remarks to venture out of comfortable America to the dangerous and poor slumps of the black townships of South Africa.

Of all peoples, God has sent the least in the community, two Christian Lesbians with a heart and love for God, to come 10,000 miles accross the US to South Africa to set up a ministry to the very least of the children of Christ living in the streets and dumps. He could have sent the large mega churches in the US, but He sent two women of incredible faith and passion for God and for children that the weak would say that I'm strong in Christ.  

If God can do such an incredible and miraculous work through Linda and Carolyn, He could also do it in your lives. It is His work in our lives, not our strenght but His love, strenght and power that all glory and honour goes to Jesus Christ.

Come Holy Spirit,





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