Isaiah - Jesus takes special care of Gays


(Isa 56:3,4,5 NKJV) ... ; Nor let the eunuch say, "Here I am, a dry tree." For thus says the LORD: "To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, And choose what pleases Me, And hold fast My covenant, Even to them I will give in My house And within My walls a place and a name Better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name That shall not be cut off.

God takes special care of Gays. Isaiah talks about a special group of people, that the heart of Jesus yearns for in the last days. It is not the rich, nor the poor, not the intellectual nor the simple, nor the holy nor the sinner, but Gays. Specifically, only three groups were mentioned concerning the receipients of God's message of salvation, the first two, the Jews and Gentiiles (i.e. non-Jews) we could understand as these two groups seemingly covers all of mankind. However, Isaiah by the inspiration of Holy Spirit did not stop there. He mentioned a third group of people, Eunuchs or Gays in our modern terminology.

The Jews have a legitimate claim to God's blessing of salvation because they are God's people, worshipers of the true God. Abraham was their Father and God made a promise to Abraham that He will make His descendents great and mightly. The Abrahamic Covenant is an unconditional covenant. It does not require right living by Abraham's descendents. Abraham willingness to sacrifice his son gave God the legal right to likewise sacrifice Jesus. The Gentiles are legitimately despised and separated from God because they do not worship the true God, but man made Gods. They have got no right to inherit God's blessings. God has no obligation to them. Similarly, God has no legal obligations to the Eunuchs to accept them as His own. However, the Eunuchs represents those who are illegitimately despised. They are rejected by their own people (be-it Jews or Gentiles). God did not reject them for being Gay, but their community did. This rejection is illegitimate, not right, because Gays are born thus, they cannot choose. No other group in society are made an outcasts for reasons or fault not their own. God is saying that though the Jews and the Gentiles (the first two groups) have rejected Gays in their midst, He will have mercy, He will not reject them, He will accept them. What a mightly God, full of mercy and Grace, slow to anger and quick to bless.

When Isaiah wrote these prophecies of restoration Judah still had over 100 years of difficulty ahead of her before she fell to Babylon, and then she faced 70 years of captivity. Anticipating the future Captivity and God’s restoration, Isaiah wrote to encourage those will go into exile that God has not forgotten them. But as Isaiah begin to prophesy over the exiles, he saw into the future, He saw the coming King. There will be peace, no longer will the Jews face continuous tribulations being incarcerated in Eqpyt, then constantly bullied by the Assyrians and finally entirely exiled to a foreign land. (Isa 52:4). Isaiah prophesised about Jesus, how He bore our sins (isa 53:5), and it is not Jews that put Jesus to the cross, but that all, everyone have sinned against God and deserved judgement as dictated by Law from the Mosaic Covenant. We deserved death by Law, but Jesus died for us, and took the punishment for our sins (Isa 53.6). He that is righteous and has no sin (Isa 53:9,11) became sin for us not because He committed any sins but because our sins was imputed upon Him. (Isa 53:11).

Because of Jesus, the Gates of heaven was opened. God cries out (Isa 55:1-3) for those who have yearned so much to seek after God but failed because the Mosaic Law requires a perfect man which they are not, to receive the free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ. It is free says the Lord (Isa 55:1), it is by His mercies, you cannot earn it that no flesh may glory. God will pardon us (Isa 55:7) not by our ways of how we think we might be justified (Isa 55:8), but by the Word of God, Jesus, the incarnate Word of God (Isa 55:11) whose message of death and resurrection will bring hope and joy and peace to the World. (Isa 55:12,13).

The Gospel, the message of Salvation of God's goodness, like the rain from heaven (Isa 55:10) will fall on all peoples of the earth whether Jews or non Jews and will bear fruit of salvation amongst the peoples who receives and accepts this good news (which is so contrary to men's ways Isa 55:8). Even the Gentiles (Isa 56:3) will receive salvation. We are no longer separated from God's people the Jews. We are joint heirs, part of God's people, not by birth, nor by Abrahamic Covenant, but by receiving Jesus, that we may have the righteousness of God, unto Salvation (Isa 56:1).

The Salvation of God will reach to the lowest level society, to the ultimate outcasts, Gays. God sees the heart cry of Gays, to be normal, to be like the rest, to have families, to have descendents to take care of them, to be treated equally. God is saying that when salvation comes, because of God's Grace and Mercy, not only will Gays receive Salvation but God will take care of them. I say again, God will take care of Gays, and give them a special place exaltation and favour above the rest. Hallelujah. Because of the goodness of God in their lives, no longer will Gays despair that they have no descendents, or no family, because they have a new Family, the family of God, and even in this family, God will them a special place.

The Word of God to the Churches in Singapore is "Do not to despise the Gays, because I will defend them, and I will exalt them says the Lord and will give them special honour. I will be a God to the outcasts, for my son Jesus was likewise an outcasts, His life cut short with no descendents just like Gays who could not have a family".

Your only son, no sin to hide
But you have sent him from your side
to walk upon this guilty soil
and to become a lamb of God

Your gift of love they crucified
They laughed and scorned as He died
the humble King they named a fraud
and sacrificed the lamb of God

O Lamb of God
Sweet Lamb of God
I love the Holy Lamb of God.
O wash me in His precious blood
My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God

I was so lost, I should have died
But now you brought me to your side
To be led by your staff and rod
and to become a lamb of God

Thankyou Jesus for being the Lamb of God, for your gift of salvation amongst the Gays. They laughed and sconed at you as the Son of God, just as they laughed and scorned at us for being Gays. They sacrificed Gays and blamed us from everthing from diseases to family breakdown. We know Lord, that you walked among us today through the Holy Spirit with your gift of Love and acceptance that we could not find anywhere nor in any religion. Sweet Lamb of God, wash us clean in your precious blood and bring Gays to your side to be in your family to be led and loved by you, our beloved Lamb of God.

Lamb Of God

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