Ikea - Who is the bully?

Isa 1:17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.

The IKEA support for Pastor Lawrence Khong of Love Singapore Magic shows has resulted in a strong protest by the GLBT groups.

IKEA is unfairly singled out as Khong's other ministries such as Touch Community Services are widely supported by hundreds of companies. The only difference is that the Community Services do good rather than useless magic to enter into the market place of the mountain of entertainment.

In response, Bertha Henson reminded GLBTs that IKEA also supported gay artists and it was a matter of diversity. She questioned whether we are instead the bully?

As Love Singapore is attended by over 100,000 church goers per week, they have the power, wealth and following. To say that GLBT being the weakest group in society can be the bully against Love Singapore is audacious.

But making noises we will as long as there is breath in us because this is not only about a diversity of opinion, but harm being caused as gays can be put into prison because of this pastor's faith perspectives.

There is no notion of diversity of opnion where there is a sharp inequality. It is like saying the Southerners have a right to own slaves as a matter of opinion having no regards to basic human rights. It is a matter of life and death rather than diversity of opinion.

In the Ikea debate, Gays have no basic human rights and so why should they frequent IKEA blindly. IKEA also has no commercial reason why they should entertain GLBT groups because it would not have made a sales difference. They have a right to support Pastor Khong's magic shows. But gays have a right to abstain from buying from IKEA. Supporting a few GLBT playrights just would not do.

Forgotten in the entire saga is that ultimately the Gospel of Jesus Christ is impacted. People see the church negatively not just GLBT as being anti-gay and not about God's love and redemption.

The churches strong self righteous Christian stance against gays from a position of power, and strength would hurt the church. We will be judged very harshly for the smallest sins, the same weighing scales we used against gays.

Should Christians even be involved in magic shows? which some say would lead to the Dark Arts of hidden deception. Pastor Khong has instead mis-interpreted the bible and has caused much harm and condemnation. The devil hides the truth and uses others to cause harm. When we cause harm, we stand on the side of the devil.

Gays will not dissapear in a magic show and in time the backlash to the churches' decades of anti-gay rant and spin will fall upon the church. They are already feeling it in Ikea where the underdog is having a voice.

The battle with Goliath will continue on for just as the people of Israel were cornered and had no choice, an oppressed people will always make loud noises to God and man and these voices carry power because they are a witness and a testimony multiplied many times over demanding justice.


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